How To Become A Game Designer by Joshua Brown

Josh Brown's book How to become a game designer becomes an Amazon Best-Seller reaching #16 in it's category's rankings.

Joshua Brown With His Book How To Become A Game Designer


how to get into the game industry
Released for 2014 I am the best-selling author of the career guide How To Become A Game Designer - The ULTIMATE guide to breaking into the Game Industry by Joshua Brown. My book, published by How2become.com is a brief guide to the game industry detailing the available jobs and how to get them. My book is sold globally and has helped many people acquire a job within the game industry.
As of July 2014 my book once again became a best seller reaching the number 2 spot on Amazon within the 'Games' category.
It currently sells on:
Amazon - How To Become A Game Designer - The ULTIMATE guide to breaking into the Game Industry: 1 (How2become)
Waterstones - How To Become A Game Designer: 1 1: The Ultimate Guide to Breaking into the Game Industry - How2Become (Paperback) by Brown Joshua
My book is in over 10 university libraries in the UK and is available to schools, colleges and universities via Prospects Educational Resources.
I have been featured on my old University's website having been interviewed about the success of my book and university course: http://www.derby.ac.uk/alumni/graduates/collegeofengineeringandtechnology/joshbrown/
How To Become A Game Designer by Joshua Brown: